A few weeks ago, an opportunity landed in my lap. A super, God-filled opportunity. I was excited, thrilled, and yet, wondering how I would fit this wonderful ministry possibility into an already filled plate.
I prayed.
I am beginning to notice in my adult years, that either my sanguine personality lends itself to being unfocused, or I have a slight case of ADD. Or both. I am an enthusiastic person and when I see God at work, I want to jump in... even if I am already fully immersed in His work in other areas. Yes, I can be easily distracted. Yes, I can lose focus. But I like to say I am passionately unfocused.
So, what do I do with this new opportunity? My heart screams, "Yes!" My head fumbles for the word, "No." And my weary body has learned to just wait for the heart and the head to make their decision.
But God has been doing a work IN me... not just around me in the last few months. These last five months of my parents' going through cancer treatments, homeschooling my daughter, and my ministry blooming have taught me to make careful considerations of how to spend my time. Not all ministry opportunities are meant for me. Did I just say that?
I made a list.
I made a list of all of my "non-negotiable" roles in my life. Christ-follower. Wife. Mom. Daughter. Sister. Minister. And so on. I am fortunate and blessed to have several of these. These roles are God-given and cannot be left unattended.
I then made another list. What are the activities that I have going on in my life right now? These may stem from a non-negotiable role or not. But the activities themselves... they are NEGOTIABLE.
Then the final list. What are some new ways I see God is at work that interest me? This is where my super, God-filled opportunity was written down. Along with some other possibilities for involvement.
I gasped.
I had no idea I was involved in so many current activities. I had to list everything... chauffeur to my sweet children, any team, committee, board, anything! Just writing and reading the list left my overwhelmed.
I prayed again.
Lord, help me to see the things you really want for me RIGHT NOW. Help me to ask the hard question of "Why am I doing this?" And enable me to answer honestly, even if it is, "Because I want to look like a good parent, wife, minister, etc."
Lord, free me from filling my plate out of any reason other than obedience to you.
I was able to discern the activities that I needed to discontinue. I was able to see the possibilities of allowing others to help instead of doing things on my own. I confronted my pride and kicked it to the curb.
I gained focus.
Through relieving myself of some unnecessary activities, I could now turn to my list of potentials. The one that fell in my lap.
I just knew that God had enabled me to clear my plate some to make room for this great opportunity.
Not so.
A God-filled possibility that I did not seek after falls in my lap and yet it is not meant for me to take? That's right. God meant for me to consider it, so that I would do some necessary heart evaluation. And instead of a filled plate,
I have peace.
I want to encourage you to take a hard look at your "life plate." Perhaps God is asking you to do some heart evaluation. Are you stressed? Overwhelmed? What are you doing out of any reason other than obedience to God? I would love to help you by praying for you or coaching you through this!
Living for ONE,