Question: Do we live our lives empowered by the fact that our God raises the dead?
In 2 Corinthians 1: 8 - 9, Paul describes some major gut-wrenching, devastating trials he was going through. Though he doesn't tell us exactly what the trials were, we can infer that they could have been internal (sickness, anguish, depression) or external (persecution, physical abuse, or even wild animal attacks!) I am actually glad that Paul doesn't tell us exactly what those trials were. Not being specific enables us to apply this verse to our own lives, especially when we are in desperate circumstances.
"We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead."(NIV)
This verse reminds us that:
1. Our difficult life experiences increase our need to totally rely on God. Would you agree? When life is going great and smoothly, we tend to lean on our on power and understanding. We run the show. But when life gets difficult, we are reminded of how inadequate we are on our own and of how much we need a Savior. God is always worthy of our trust and reliance on Him. But we often make the choice to put Him aside and direct our own steps.
2. Our reliance on God increases our realization of His power. When we are at our wits end, and we decide to fully give ourselves and our situations to Him, He shows up in a mighty and miraculous way. We say, "I don't know what to do!" He responds,"Great. I'll take it from here!" We realize how powerful He is. We realize He is able.
Ever been in a situation you thought was hopeless? Ever thought a relationship or a dream or a circumstance was virtually dead? You did all you could do. You tried all you knew to try. And wearily, hopelessly, you laid it at the feet of Jesus. Paul says that in the most desperate of circumstances, it feels as we have been given the death sentence. And then Paul gives purpose to those painful circumstances - "that we might not rely on ourselves, but on God." And then he adds these four little words that make all the difference in the world.
who raises the dead. This is not about relying on just any god. This is about placing our lives in the hands of an Almighty God. Our God raises the dead! God can bring life to a dead situation. He can bring hope to your hopelessness. There is no one like Him. Are you living your life as if you are empowered by a god? A god who isn't real? A god who doesn't hear you? A god who doesn't love you and have a plan and purpose for your life?
Or are you living your life knowing that you are empowered by THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE? The Great I AM? The Lover of Your Soul? The God Who Has a Plan for Your Life? THE GOD WHO RAISES THE DEAD?
Would you join me in praying that we can live empowered by the fact that our God raises the dead?
Lord, help us to see our need to more fully rely on You and by doing so, see Your power at work in our lives.
Would love your comments!
Unwrapping the gift of Him bringing life to my deadness,
Linking up with my sisters at:

This post was divinely timed for me today Kelli!
I logged into facebook to the news that a dear friend and teacher had passed away suddenly last night.
It is amazing and wonderful to know that our wonderful Creator will allow us to see these individuals again!
i love your posts so much miss gifted frined of mine.. you are such a gifted writer and always write exactly what I need. I am going through an extremely difficult season of attack after attack on my ministry calling.. so this was well timed.. love ya friend
It seems like lately, God has been showing me over and over that I have and am nothing on my own: that I HAVE to rely on His power. It can be challenging but so rewarding. Yet, a lesson He has to keep teaching me over and over.
Tonya, Jenn, and Shanda, I am praying for each of you. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your heart and your struggles. God is so good to meet us right where we are. Rest assured, if I am writing about it, I am struggling with it as well!
I will never forget the day, when I sat on a bench across from a young lady in Turkey. As I shared with her the Jesus rose from the dead, she was amazed! Her eyes were big and she looked at me in utter amazement. With questioning excitement she said, "He ROSE from the dead?"
Since then, I continue to ask myself, "Why doesn't that amaze me?" We get so busy and caught up in every day life. We rattle of the story that Jesus was born of a Virgin, lived a sinless life, died and rose again, and just go on living. I want to live a life that is transformed daily by the fact that only Jesus, the One True God could do that. I want to live a life that walks in that realization daily!
Let's live in Amazement today!
Yesterday was my first class and it was living proof that God's power is so real, so evident. There is no way that I could have done what I did in class without His power. I am grateful and humble always. Your post is such a great reminder of His awesomeness.
Such a great post! He IS the God Who raises from the dead...He has raised each of us from a life of death. Such an awesome God! Bless you!
Why is it so ridiculously easy to rely again and again on myself . . . even when I have lived the wonder of relying on God?
Great post.
YES I am with You! It really is all about him and just doing what he asks us to. It is his power that gets us through and enables.
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