If you are wondering why "Unwrapping the Gifts of God" is no longer posted as the title of my blog, it is because I am getting ready to move to a Wordpress website. God is blessing me with new avenues to minister and a website will best suit my needs. But before I do, I wanted to try some titles out on my favorite friends...you!
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Change is good! |
So, I want you to vote today. Here are three choices...
1. "Living for One...God. His Purpose. His Passion. His Glory."
2. "Living for ONE...when Life is a Crowd." (This is a title of a message I am working on for an upcoming conference.)
3. "Get off the Throne...there is only room for ONE." (This is a title I have played with since 2002.
I had a sweet friend who evaluated my blog back in December and gave me some excellent feedback. She said that my blog was busy. (You know me, bright colors and swirls.) And though I like the bright colors and swirls, it can make it difficult to read and focus on the content of my blog. Therefore, as you can see, I am trying out the white. A little sterile for me, but much easier to see and read.
She also told me that she loved the title of Unwrapping the Gifts of God, but that my title did not always match who I was or what I wrote about. She said, "After reading some of your posts, it seems to me that you are about encouraging and empowering people to live out their purpose -- to understand their calling." She hit the nail on the head. Wow.
So, even though I loved the "unwrapping" notion and the generality of that title, I desire to be more specific and focused for my readers. And...I will be sharing bits and pieces of my work-in-progess book on my new blog. So, my new titles will reflect that as well.
So, what do you think?
Please, please, please, leave a comment to let me know if you vote for 1, 2, or 3. Or if you have another creative suggestion of a title or a way I could improve my blog, please let me know that as well. I write for you!
And for everyone who comments, I will choose a random winner to win the first signed copy of my book to be released in June of 2013. (Oh, I dream. Sigh.) Seriously, I will give away a Starbucks gift card. So, get busy voting! Can't wait to hear what you think!
"Live a life worthy of the calling you have received."
Ephesians 4:1
And if you want to read a short blog post, I am guest posting today at www.leighgray.com
Linking with

Choice number one is my vote!! And I can't wait to read the book...it's totally going to happen. :)
I STILL vote for #2... It gives me goosebumps and will reach out to ALL types of believers, from the lost, new baby Christians to those who have been walking by faith for years.
Also, it would look fantastic on a T-shirt. And a coffee mug. And a big foam finger. And bumper sticker. And tattoo.
(Hey... I can dream for you too, can't I?)
I can't wait to have a signed copy of your book. ;-) Love you!
You are adorable and I love your heart to serve and love on all of us!
BTW: my vote is number 1
And I know Leigh Gray!! She is one of my Siestas and I had the chance to meet her in 2007!
She is precious!
Have a great day!
I knew coffee would bribe you people! Love to you all! And...thanks for your dreamy encouragement!
I love #2 -- BUT I think that which ever you choose will be GREAT! Can't wait to see your NEW look!! xoxo
Numero Uno Baby!
I would like to vote for #3! Lori Lockwood
number 2. same message as #1, but #2 shouts to my heart, #1 speaks more to my head.
I like #2-- it definitely resonates with me--but I wonder if a single person might think it wasn't for her.
With that being said, I vote for #1 because it has the broadest scope and really fits what you are about.
Well these are good. You might not like my answer. I like #1. With number #1 I would rephrase it to "Living for One .....God. One Purpose. One passion. His Glory. Or I like "Living for One" and then you can touch on those other thoughts in your blog. You don't want to be too wordy. Like I just did! Lol praying for you. Thanks for encouraging us!
Stink I left a comment and I think I deleted it. I think 1 &2 are good. But you might not like what I say. I like "Living for One....God. One purpose. One passion. His Glory. Or not even put the His Glory. You can touch on all those in your blog. You don't want to be too wordy. Like I just was. Lol. Thank you for encouraging us. I keep telling myself I need to blog and I also keep telling myself I need some Starbucks,
Ya'll are making me laugh! And Jennifer...you must really want to win...with the two comments and all. Ha!
In today's "all about me" worldI think it's vital that we remind ourselves and teach our children that He is the only "boss!" I like #3.
Kelli, I like number 2 but I think I like it stated more as an action. When I get to your website I want to know what I as the reader am going to get out of it. Does that make sense. So for example a different #2 could be:
Living For One: Uncrowd Your Life
Now I know what your website is about - focus, purpose, etc. Does that make any sense to you?
I like part of #1---Living for One.
I think that affords you the opportunity to incorporate those other titles into specific messages or series. Just a thought. So excited to hear where God is leading you!
My vote is for #2. I totally feel like life can be a crowd and it's hard to find that time to be alone with God. Whatever you choose will be awesome though!
BJhousewords says #3. (Twitter friend)
I'm loving #1 -- Love your message, Kelli, and look forward to the changes to come =)
Amy Griffin King says #1. she couldnt post on blogger.
I love you, Jesus, Tom and Starbucks! Maybe that could be the title. Leave out the "I love Tom" part.
I say #3..Because it was the title of the awesome study you taught during my sweet time with you!! I still have it and look through it often!!! Your Grandma's words still ring in my head..Go to the throne instead of the phone!!! :)
I like #1, but I love #2! You know what else I love, mom? STARBUCKS! :)
Definately #2!
I like #1! When I read it, I think "YES!"
I like your honesty about the Starbucks bribe. :) And I'd be interested to hear how the switch to Wordpress goes. I've been thinking about it.
#1 is most direct, I think.
However, I really like the concept of #3 but I feel like it's too negative. Maybe something like "Handing back the Scepter" which also reflects giving God back the control he rightfully has and deserves. Good job!
Sharman says #1. She could not vote on the blog, either. I am seeing a trend. Must switch to WP immediately!
My husband who would never leave a comment, but ALWAYS reads my blogs says he votes for #2. And by the way, he is not eligible to win. Neither is my daughter, but she voted anyway as well.
Or using your closing scripture, I suggest this as the title of your new blog:
"A Worthy Life"
#2 certainly speaks to me! BTW--I like the white. Very clean, very crisp, and my eyes move fluidly over the words (and the all important message) :)
My friend,Jenifer Middleton, votes #2.
This is Josh Russell with a vote for #2.
I like #2 but here are some other options (because I just can't help myself lol)
Living for One: Finding Purpose When Life Gets (Is) Crowded (or Staying Focused When Life Gets (Is) Crowded)
Dethroning Self: Exalting ONE
It's a toss up between 1 and 3. They both sound great and the true message is there is ONLY one God. You truly are a woman of God and I can't wait to read your book, oh and I could always use a giftcard to Starbucks! 8-) Love ya!
Barbara Helms
I,Jody Smith, say #2. That one speaks to me the most and will probably speak to many out there. Looking forward to reading more of your work! :)
I really like #1, but with a twist on yours, Living for ONE...HIS Purpose. HIS Passion. HIS Glory. I think it flows better plus it might attract some who may not look at it if they saw "God" in the title. For those of us Jesus lovers we know what "ONE" & "HIS" means in all caps. I love your closing scripture from Ephesians! Can't wait for the book...remember what Michael & I have been telling you! Just sayin' :)
Number one is my favorite!
Let me share something God has been impressing on me lately. We as believers have coined phrases that are more familiar to us than His own word. By doing so, we have put the focus on us in many cases and taken it off of what Christ has done. I know exactly what you mean when you say living for ONE, we have all claimed at some point to be living for God. In reality we have put ourselves center stage, and our humility leaves room for boasting. He has asked us to yield so that Christ can live through us. He alone because of his very nature receives all glory and He alone can bring glory to himself. We really put too much stock in our ability, both to glorify Him and to detract from His glory by our pride. His magnificence outshines our ability to be an obstacle to Him. AMEN
Diane, thank you for your comment and input. What a heart for God you have! My passion is to actually encourage people to live for God and only God. Hence, my last title...Get off the Throne. That's why I feel so strongly about this...
Kelli, I vote for #3. Regina
I am stuck between 2&3, but I think probably #3 gives me the greatest kick in the pants to start doing something. You could link to SDG and let us vote, too!
Am over here from Jen's place...and I like the ring of #2 the most.
Good luck with your new site and adventures!!!
I like just plain "Living for ONE..." like you have up there now. It's an attention grabber (grabbed mine!) and left enough unsaid to get people into reading what's in your blog's content.
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