Honestly, I am incredibly blessed and I felt like today was a great day to celebrate His goodness in my life...and have a giveaway (that comes at the end.)
Today I am grateful for:
the fact that God loves me unconditionally and that after 40 years, I am really beginning to understand that love. I am thankful for my salvation, for my walk with Jesus, for my calling, and for the Spirit that enables me to fulfill that calling.
my husband of almost 20 years. He is an amazing man. I love him dearly and I am thankful that we have a marriage built on Christ. We went to our first marriage retreat this year...and were affirmed that we were doing a lot of things right (by the grace of God!) He is my biggest fan...he just never comments on my blog.
my children. Bekah is 12 and wise beyond her years. I think there is an old soul buried beneath that veneer of a young woman. She challenges me to slow down, to think deeply, and to love wholeheartedly. Ryan is 8 and rocks my world. He always has. Ryan is a great kid with a big heart, a huge imagination, and a ginormous amount of energy. My children are gifts that allow me to know and understand God better. And this was the year my family became complete in Christ when Ryan gave his heart to Jesus in July!
my extended family. So many I can't name, but I am thankful for all of them. I am blessed to have such an extended network of support.
my friends. You are one of them. Old friends. New friends. Thank you for your love,encouragement, and prayers. You are a blessing.
my church family. I love Christ Community Church. I love serving alongside of such godly people who are passionately in love with Jesus.
my ministry at CCC. I never would have thought that I would be paid to do something I love so much. I absolutely love encouraging, equipping, and empowering people for ministry and seeing them reach their full potential in Christ.
my new emphasis on writing and speaking. Thanks to your encouragement and readership, I have been writing on this blog since July 4 and have written 33 blog posts on this blog and have guest blogged 3 times for others. I also went to my first speaker/writer conference (She Speaks) this year and proposed my first book! I have been blessed to speak over 20 times, lead two bible studies, and speak for the first time internationally at a pastor's conference in Caracas, Venezuela. By His Grace and For His Glory!
These are just a few of many, many things I am thankful for. Thank you for letting me share them with you.
Now...for the giveaway...
I am giving away THREE books that have hugely ministered to me deeply this year and a Starbucks gift card (that ministers to me, too!)
The THREE books:
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst
Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick
Here's how you can enter to win:
1. Leave a comment on this blog and if you are feeling punchy, I would love to hear a subject you would love for me to blog about.
2. Spread the word about his giveaway via Social Media -
Facebook, Twitter, etc. and let me know that you did that by leaving a comment. (Use the share link at the top of the page)
3. Follow me on Twitter (@kelliwommack). If you do already, thanks and let me know that !
4. Follow this blog by either signing up for it via email, Google Reader, or Networked blogs. (You can do this all via the side bar.) Let me know that you did this by leaving a comment. If you already do, let me know that!
Thanks for helping me celebrate today! I will post the four winners on Monday, October 17.
Unwrapping the gifts of life,
P.S. You have made my day. I love you all!
I followed you on twitter :)
I shared it on Facebook.
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You're a lucky woman to have a career, hubbie, and kiddo that you love so much. Like you, I'm just beginning to understand and accept God's love for me.
May your day include a HUGE piece of cake! LOL.
So, we all know that I already stalk you on Twitter, Facebook, your blog and at work. (Which I just shared your links too, btw) But I woke up last night, panicking because I forgot what the date was-- and I was worried I missed your birthday.
But I didn't. WHEW. Have a blessed birthday my friend. I hope you know the amazing blessing you are in MY life. Love you!
I love to win things so here goes. First of all happy four ohhhhhhh. I can't believe i have 10 years on you. Your just a baby. Blog on the changing teen culture even though your not quite there yet with your kids. Love keeping up with you.
Melanie Hodge
Madison, ms.
Happy Birthday Kelli, I hope your day is extra special!
Love you friend!
Happy birthday to YOU! I am glad you are blogging and although I would love to win the books and the gift
card, I have two of the three books, so if you could just tell God I'd like the time to read what I have, I'd appreciate it! : )
I saw you went to outer space in your picture. I always knew you were out of this world!
Feel a birthday hug from me!
Hope you have an awesome birthday mom! I love you so much and I couldn't have asked God for a better person to be my caretaker, teacher, encourager, and so much more!
Love, Bekah
Well happy birthday! Guess I picked a pretty awesome day to follow you on Twitter! I hope you have a GREAT birthday...and there is NO WAY on God's green earth you are actually turning 40. I kid you not, you don't look a day over 25 {seriously}.
Blog topic...hmmm...since this is the first on of yours I'm reading, let's make it interesting...how about Joy found in the book of Job.
<3 Heather
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic one! Thank you for sharing your day with us.
I am now following you on here via google as well as on twitter. And I linked your blog on my facebook status.
Since you mentioned having a strong marriage, I'd love to read a blog from you on having a biblical marriage. My husband and I recently celebrated our 4 year anniversary. I would love some advice and council on how to have a God centered marriage that will last and last and last. "As it is in the Church, so it is in the Home."
Happy Birthday!
Happy, happy Birthday. I'm pretty sure I follow you every possible way. :) Something to blog about...how about how women's ministry equips you to minister to your daughter?
Happy, happy birthday!!! 40 is YOUNG! :)
I've done the following fo the contest:
1. followed you on twitter
2. liked you on FB
3. shared your page on FB
4. signed up for your e-mails
Enjoy your special day and may God bless you with much joy today and always!
Happy Birthday- I know that you have had a fabulous day just by reading all the blessings in your blog!
I follow you on Twitter
I shared this giveaway
I subscribed to your blog via email.
Hi Kelli, Happy 40th!
I just followed you on twitter, & would love for you to follow me as well.
I started an online Bible study earlier this year with Lysa TerKeurst's book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to Go. Loved the book and plan to read and study it again. I've been wanting to read Sun Stan Still, but haven't gotten to it yet.
In Christ,
I gave you some social media love, followed you on Twitter, & here is your comment. I hope that you 40th birthday is blessed beyond measure. Miss you!
Happy Birthday to you! Just found your blog today via twitter. Love it here :)
Thanks for the giveaway
Happy Birthday, Kelli!! Hope it was a fantabulous 40th!!!
I'm now following you on twitter!
I'va also subscribed to your email.
Love reading your blog! I don't need a daily devotional, I can just open your blog and be encouraged and convicted all at the same time! Love you!
This has been so much fun, today! Thank you all so far for entering the giveaway! I will announce winners on Monday!
I also shared your link to my facebook! Happy Birthday again!
Well first and foremostly - a BIG Happy 4-0! You've only just begun! I follow you on Twitter ... and you follow me and so I hope you've found some value in that! :0
I just tweeted that everyone better come and wish you a Happy 40 or they'd have me to deal with!
And now I have asked to have your blog emailed to me! I'm unabashedly praying for a win! You should turn 40 more often!
Many Blessings and Happy Returns of the Day,
Happy Birthday!!!! 40 is wonderful!!!!!
- I've followed you in twitter
- joined to follow your blog
- liked you on FB
Have a wonderful birthday celebration!!!!
happy birthday, lady! i'm grateful for you...and your blog!
i tweeted this post! wahoo for twitter!
I follow you on Twitter...great avatar! You don't look close to 40!
Happy birthday! Hope it was blessed! I follow your blog already, and enjoy it immensely. Wish I could have met you face-to-face at SheSpeaks......maybe next year!
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