It has already been "one of those days." And it is only 9:00 AM! I forgot to do something that is due on someone's desk -- today. I received an email with news I didn't want to hear -- and honestly don't want to deal with. I have a to-do list with at least 10 items -- and that is being conservative. And my seventh grade homeschooler is testing this week.
I am a huge fan of Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling" devotional. I read it every day and there are always words that stir my heart. Yesterday these words leaped off the page:
Though the Holy Spirit is infinite, He deigns to be your Helper. He is always ready to offer assistance; all you need to do is ask. When the path before you looks easy and straightforward, you may be tempted to go it alone instead of relying on Me. This is when you are in the greatest danger of stumbling. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Back to my day. The path does not look easy. I am struggling. And I found myself literally crying out to God for his help. His knowledge. His direction. His love. His mercy. His grace. I am in desperate need. I cannot do it by myself.
Unfortunately, my yearning for Him is not as great when life is going great.
It is in the difficulties that I trade my independence for His intervention.
It is in the difficulties that I see my great need of Him and His great love for me.
It is in the difficulties that I learn to trust Him even though He is always trustworthy.
It is in the difficulties that I realize my inadequacy and His insurmountable power.
It is in the difficulties that I am silenced and He speaks.
What do you learn in difficulties? I would love to hear from you today! If you are reading by email, you can click here to comment.
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I have learned more in my darkest times than in all of my happy times. I have learned that my image of God is way too small and limited. I have learned that "good" doesn't mean what I think it means.
Right now I am in one of those dark times-- circumstances seem really bleak-- and I can only cling to what I know-- He is faithful; He is good; He is sovereign; He loves me.
We are doing the Jesus Calling for Kids devotional -- we read this one last night (same theme, but in kid-language). My daughter has been struggling with hitting in softball and we have been asking God together for confidence in the face of fear. Last night she finally got a hit! After reading this devotional, I asked her, "So, since you got a hit, does this mean you can stop relying on God for help with confidence and attitude?" It was such a great lesson -- we always have to rely on Him and never be afraid to ask for help. Praying for you this day, Kelli.
Difficulties have taught me to trust Him and to appreciate those days when difficulties may cease for a little while. He is my God through it all. He is in control.
Praying for you. And, I can take one thing off your to-do list this week, if you need me to. Holler about Friday.
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