... the enemy has NO POWER.
"Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4)
Know that you are in a battle. The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy. Your joy. Your dreams. Your hope. Your passion. Your relationships.
Know who your enemy is. Though your enemy may appear to be your spouse, your child, your friend, your boss, whomever... we don't wrestle with flesh and blood. If you are in Christ, your enemy is Satan himself. He wants you to think others are your enemies so that you will destroy your own relationships.
Know who fights for you. "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Ex. 14:14) Sometimes He calls us to be still. Sometimes He arms us for battle. But regardless, HE IS WITH US AND FIGHTS ON OUR BEHALF. You are not alone in this fight, my friend.
Know your ammo. We can't walk into a battle ill-prepared. And we have everything we need to fight! So know your ammo - your belt of truth, your breastplate of righteousness, your boots of peace, your shield of faith, your helmet of salvation, and your sword - God's Word. So, put it on! Every.day. every.moment. (Ephesians 6)
Know who wins. Have no doubt. Do not be discouraged. Resist the enemies ploy to render you paralyzed and ineffective. Because we know who wins this thing. JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! He wins! He's already won. And He is on your side.
Are you in a battle today? Are you aware of who your real enemy is? Do you know and believe and live like your God fights for you? Do you armor up every day -- so you can take your stand? And above all...do you know Who wins? Please share your comments so that I can pray for you. We are in this together!
Joining with Jen at...
Joining with Jen at...

and Ann at:

It was as if you were writting just to me Kelli. I'm still waiting...as that is where God has me. I have small moments where I see a glimpse of oppurtunity to return to speaking, but then the door(of oppurtunity) is not really there. I know that I am in a battle...and my part is to allow God to work through them for me. While I must trust, wait, and know that He is the GREAT I AM! Keep sharing. Prayers for you. ~Leslie
I love how God uses everyday life to speak to us gently and sends us reminders!
Today, it was through your blog. Yesterday, it was our son who wanted to buy (with his own money) the Armor of God. The day before, was going to a sweet friend, when in need, and listening to her words of encouragement.
I look forward to tomorrow when He speaks to me in His sweet loving voice that He's there for me. Through Him, I can handle the flaming arrows and the hurts the enemy has to offer...but I will continue praise Him and follow Him through it all because I know it's not a battle of the flesh.
Thank you for the reminder.
Always praising Him through the storm, N.
Leslie and N.,
Thank you for your precious comments. They are treasures because they remind me that God is using me to speak His encouragement to others. I am praying for both of you that He will overwhelm you with His love, that He will fill you with His peace, and that He will surround you with His presence.
AMEN sister! Let us not be surprised by opposition! Let us not be bold and spouting scripture when all is rosey, then sit down in the middle of the battlefield and whimper when we meet our adversary. Christ has disarmed principalities and powers and then having armed us HE SAT DOWN! We are not to allow the enemy to operate unlawfully! Don't let the devil say "she never even drew her weapon!" The Church is in charge! Look what the CROSS has done!
what a powerful reminder beautiful friend. I tell you I am so inspired and encouraged everytime I read anything you write.. what an annointing you have on your life. I am so blessed that I actually got to meet you in person. How can I be praying for you friend?
Love this post Kelli! Especially the part about knowing who our enemy is. It's so easy to get upset with others and we need to remember that Satan will use anything and anyone to bring us down.
In Christ,
We are in a battle and it begins in the mind. If Satan can get a hold of our thoughts, our hope and our faith, the rest is spoil.
so good to have you back! What a powerful reminder -- especially the part about how we are NOT warring with flesh and blood, but with the enemy himself.
amen, sister!
thank you all for your comments. Seems like knowing who our enemy really is, was important for us all. Hang in there, fellow warriors...Our Victor goes before us!
True words! When I realize who the enemy is, it helps me. Then I can stand and fight. Sometimes I verbally take each piece of the armor and "put it on" in preparation for the day.
Waving and smiling,
It is so awesome how God works!! I read your post today (Thursday) instead of on Wedensday. It goes right along with my devotion for today and I wanted to share another verse, one that I wrote down to carry around with me from my devotion this morning. Isaiah 49:25 "I will contend with those who contend with you, and you children I will save." Just another promise that God is fighting for us and He WILL be victorious!! This spoke to me so much! Thanks!
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