Ok, I am back from a semi-break from blogging. I have managed to post blogs the last few weeks, but they have been reposts of some faves that some of you might have missed. Thank you for the break. Between holiday activities and family needs and frankly, my own need to rest and rejuvenate, the time was necessary.

But I am ready to get going again! I have spent the last week pondering this year of 2012. How would it be different from 2011? What lessons have I learned? What do I want to continue? To put aside? What do I need to work on? What is the Lord calling me to do?
Lots of people in blog world do resolutions. I always evaluate my former year and look to the next year (or years), but I rarely call my "goals" resolutions. Other people come up with "one word" for the year ahead. As I began to pray and ask the Lord for goals or "one word," two words consistently emerged. As I struggled with going against the grain and having two words instead of one, I remembered (miraculously!) that these two words stem from the same Greek word. Before you call me heady or smart or quit reading, let me explain.
Thirteen years ago when I was in seminary, I took three semesters of Greek and I LOVED it. (Please keep reading!) But after ten years of not continuing to pursue Biblical Greek, most of the words have escaped me. But there are some that I remember...the rest I have to constantly look up.
Anyway, back to the two words. The word "live" was the first word to come to mind as I was praying about 2012. Live. Just live. Live for Him. Live graciously. Live unselfishly. Live audaciously. Live spontaneously. Live radically. Yes, live was my word.
And then on Sunday, January 1, as I sat in church and celebrated my 32 years of knowing Jesus Christ, the word "walk" continued to surface. "Should I change my word, Lord?" "Is it walk instead of live?" Walk in it. Walk with Me. Walk, even though you don't know the path.
As I pondered this, the Lord brought the Greek word "peripateo" to my mind. I remembered (again, miraculously) that this word was used to mean BOTH live and walk in the New Testament.
When I looked up some verses where this particular verse was used, it was no surprise that Ephesians 4:1 was present. Just a month ago, God had given me that verse as a potential new direction for a project I was working on. And here it was again. No surprise.
"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to LIVE a life worthy of the calling you have received." (NIV)
"In light of all this, here's what I want you to do. While I'm locked up in here, a prisoner for the Master, I want you to get out there and walk - better yet, run! - on the road God called you to travel. (Message)
What does this mean for me? There's no more sitting. No more watching. No more dreaming. No more letting fear bench me. It is time to "peripateo." It is time to truly LIVE and WALK out my calling with my God.
So, what's your "one word," your goal, or your resolution for 2012? I would love to hear. Let's hold each other accountable!
And if you want to read something funny, I am guest posting over at Tammy Karasek's blog, "Tickled Pink Tammy." Here's the link: A Lesson for Life, Literally. Would love to have you jump over there and join us! (you can give comment love here or there!
Living and Walking,
Great post and great word/words! ;-)
I'm glad I caught this!
This year I decided to ask God to give me my resolution. Really?!? Never ask God's opinion unless you really want it!
From Dr Cox's New Year's Day message on redeeming our time & making an impact came my only resolution:
I will not be so busy doing the good thing that I lose sight of the best thing.
Luke 10:41-42
The Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her."
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