Seems like such a simple question. But it is one that everyone in my family can understand and answer and it fosters discussion and intimacy. At dinner time, we go around the table and all four of us share our high and low for the day.
Chris and I taught a breakout session at the marriage retreat this weekend on balancing work and home. We asked everyone in the session to introduce themselves and tell us why they had chosen this breakout session.
The answers were all very similar.
"It is hard to juggle kid's activities, school, work, church,...."
"I am exhausted when I do come home and don't have anything left to give."
"We never get to spend much time together as a family."
You get the picture. Does your family struggle with the balancing act?
Well, we sure don't have all the answers. But we have tried very hard to maintain some priorities throughout the 20 years we have been married and the almost 13 years we have had children.
One of those priorities is having dinner as a family. At least once a week, and hopefully 3 - 4 times a week, we gather AT THE SAME TIME and SIT DOWN and SHARE A MEAL and SHARE OUR HEARTS.
That doesn't sound like such a big deal. But it is!
It is a big deal to make sure it happens...because lots of things will come up that will make this THIRTY minute commitment difficult. Soccer season. Drama practice. Working late. Meetings. You name it.
It is also a big deal when it happens. The lines of communication open up and we are sharing with each other what is going on in our lives. In today's society when we are all going different directions for at least a third of our day, it is super important to know the highs and lows of our family members' days.
I want to encourage you to hold that table time sacred. Look at the calendar for the next month. Schedule onto that calendar at least one time a week where you will have dinner as a family. At home. At the same time. Around the table. No TV on. No electronics. Do not answer the phone. Just share a meal and share your hearts.
And the food...it can be pizza! But if you want to do something easy and yummy, try this... Angel Chicken...slow cooker (P.S. The Crock Pot is your friend!) This is a tried and true recipe at my house. My kids love it and it is easy for me!
The thief comes only to steal, slaughter, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10
How is today's society robbing you of your sacred time with your family? Or how do you implement this sacred time into your life? I'd love to hear. Please share in the comments!
Living for ONE,
* I love my family! This is yet another installment of my love list.
linking with Jen at Finding Heaven
linking with Jen at Finding Heaven

Dinner's huge for us, too! It's so hard not to check text messages when the kiddos linger over veggies, though. We have to try to banish distractions. Also, unless a parent really needs a break, we do things together if at all possible. Going to run errands, etc. Wish I could have been in your session!
I looked up that recipe. It sounds delish. I have a great recipe for a crock pot roast and gravy. Microwave some rice and bam you have a quick, yummy meal. Mix one can cream of mushroom, golden mushroom, and french onion soup pour over a roast in crock pot. cook on low for 6-8 hours. YUMM-O
I love your encouragement, Kelli, "to hold that table sacred." One of the many good things we have done as a family is to have dinner consistently over the years. Every night of the week our family sits down for dinner together, with few exceptions. It's a precious to connect with one another.
Colleen, I am thinking of doing a blog series on this subject and sharing my session notes...stay tuned!
Tabitha, i have used that same roasr recipe...yum!
Angela, thanks for your kind words. Kudos on being able to make the family dinner a nightly event!
I agree -- that dinner time is sacred even if we can't see the fruit just yet. I keep telling myself that one day we will have a peaceful meal!
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